Running Evaluations and Treatment for Runners

Runners are elite athletes who need specific care for their sport’s demands.

After treatment, our runners are faster, more efficient, and can run pain-free.

As a runner, you need someone who gets it.

It can be frustrating when you have pain as a runner not only because you have to decrease your mileage and forego training for your next event, but also because it’s hard to find a provider who can help you get to the bottom of what you’ve got going on.

Oftentimes, runners are told to "stop running” in response to their running injuries. We can assure you that we will never tell you to stop doing what you love. Instead, we focus on getting to the bottom of what’s going on, even if it’s only the “it’s only after mile 18” type of pain and discomfort.

Running assessment and evaluation will give you a leg up compared to your competition because you will become stronger, more stable, pain-free, which will make you faster. As an added benefit, when you streamline your care and come to Renegade, you will save a lot of your money and time as well as rest assured that you can run for life!

What you can expect at Renegade

  • A light at the end of the tunnel.

    We will give you hope and solutions when it comes to your injury/concern. We call ourselves the hope dealers!

  • You’ll never be passed between PTs.

    You won’t be passed between practitioners. Sticking with the same provider means you get better faster.

  • 1:1 Care for 60 minutes, always!

    You’ll always be with your provider for 60 full min, 1:1. We do not divide our attention between you and another patient or our computer.

  • A personalized care plan, always.

    We always give you a plan that works best for YOU! No two plans are the same.