Orthopedics and Sports Performance

You might have a nagging injury, something that is keeping you from being your best active self. It might only come up when you’re lifting heavy or after mile six of running. You might only notice it once in a great while, but when it’s there, you sure know it.

We will help you get out of pain and get you back to training without having to hold back. Just want to perform better and at a higher level? We’ve got you covered for that too.

We’ve been sidelined because of injuries before, we’ve been angry about knee pain that we’ve had, and we’ve felt tight and stiff hips. All of these things are real, they are important to us, and we will help alleviate your concerns and get back to living life before it revolved around the statement, “ugh, this is probably going to hurt my **insert joint here**.

We can help you get relief from whatever you’ve got going on without shopping around and wasting your time and money.

Let’s do this.

Our approach to care is different, and we love it because it works.

It’s pretty common for our patients to arrive with pain or injuries that they have either seen someone else for, been made to feel like they are “crazy”, and/or been told that they should just stop what they love if it is what is causing them pain.

We also have heard stories about how our patients felt like they got the “same old, same old” PT, with the same exercises on a printed piece of paper.

As a human, you are not a mathematical equation and a one-size-fits-all approach is not the way. We tailor your care to you so you can get better faster.

How we can help:

  • Improve your strength and range of motion

  • Help you move your best and minimize asymmetries as needed

  • Prep you for strength demands — you don’t need to be injured to come to see us!

  • Youth athlete development, performance, and injury prevention

  • Sports-specific assessments (running, weight lifting, etc.)

  • Maximizing speed, agility, strength, and skill

  • Mitigating joint aches and pains

  • Rotator cuff, hip, hamstring, foot, and ankle rehab

What you can expect at Renegade

  • A light at the end of the tunnel.

    We will give you hope and solutions when it comes to your injury/concern. We call ourselves the hope dealers!

  • You’ll never be passed between PTs.

    You won’t be passed between practitioners. Sticking with the same provider means you get better faster.

  • 1:1 Care for 60 minutes, always!

    You’ll always be with your provider for 60 full min, 1:1. We do not divide our attention between you and another patient or our computer.

  • A personalized care plan, always.

    Everything that we do is tailored to YOU and your unique needs. Everything is personalized to you.