Episode 11: Embrace the Suck and Send It! with John Wehrer, PT, DPT, CSCS and Lance Beisley, MS, CSCS

On this episode we chat with John Wehrer, PT, DPT, CSCS and Lance Beisley, MS, CSCS about aerobic conditioning and energy systems, the importance of strength for endurance athletes, mental fortitude, tactical athlete training, types of stimuli desired within CrossFit, and the importance of consistent performance of fundamental training. This was an amazing episode and we hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed recording it.

John and Lance are co-hosts of the “Type 2 Network” podcast that covers topics related to endurance sports performance. Lance has a Master’s degree in Exercise Science from Eastern Washington University, is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and is currently serving a contract in the United States Army. He specializes in bringing sound performance science to military athletes. John is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and is currently practicing as an outpatient orthopedic physical therapist in Seattle, Washington. John specializes in the training of triathletes. In 2015, they completed a 24 hour mountain bike race as a two-person team and finished 5th out of 13 teams...on 9 months of training consistently for endurance sports. This race helped jumpstart their passion in this field and the drives the content they put out to this day.

Where to find and how to contact Lance & John:
Instagram: @type2performance

Lance Beisley, MS, CSCSlancebeisley@gmail.com

John Wehrer, PT, DPT, CSCSjwehrer20@gmail.com

Find them both on type2performance.com


Episode 12: Pelvic Floor and More: Athletic Performance, Incontinence, Pregnancy, and Sex with Dr. Krystyna Holland, PT, DPT


Episode 10: Overcoming Adversity Surrounding Injury in the Throwing Athlete